Mark alert checklist

You must create a database to store details of fair trade products.


The data you need has been provided in this text file. You can find out what the fields for the database are by looking at this list.


Design and build a suitable database structure to store the data. Make sure that each field has a suitable name, data type, format and length.


Validate the category field.


Import the dataset. If records are rejected, check that your validation rule works as intended and keep a note of any rejected items for your eportfolio.


You need to save this for your eportfolio Save evidence of your database structure and validation rules in your EVIDENCE folder.


 Find details of three more products to add to the database.


 Update your sources table.


 Add the new records to the database.


You need to save this for your eportfolio Save a screenshot of your new records in your EVIDENCE folder.


Save the database. You will use it to find information for your publications. However, you should not include it in your eportfolio.


Update your ongoing plan.