INFORMATION POINT Mark alert checklist

You must produce an information point to introduce an Olympic value and the SmallSteps4Life programme. It must also encourage students to take up a challenge.


The information point will be run in the reception area of schools and colleges. Students must be able to select different screens using a mouse.


The information point must include these screens:


1 Introduction
2 One of the Olympic/Paralympic values and how SmallSteps4Life promotes it
3 Eat well information and possible challenges, including findings from your database and other research
4 Get active information and possible challenges, including findings from your survey and other research
5 Feel good information and possible challenges, including findings from your survey and other research


You may use any suitable software to create your information point but you must make sure that it can be viewed using the Moderator's Toolkit.


Create the information point.


Ask for feedback from your test buddy and other test users. Make changes if necessary.


Update your sources table.


You need to save this for your eportfolio Save your information point in your PUBLICATIONS folder.


Update your ongoing plan.