Energise Your Life!

D202 Multimedia Summative Project Brief 2006




Your directory⁄folder structure in your user area should include an assets folder with a sub–folder for each type of asset. Make sure you use sensible file names so that you can find what you need.


Producing original assets


You must create some original assets for use in your package. Here are some examples:

It is unlikely that you will create a perfect asset at the first attempt, so allow time for experimenting and editing.handy hint


Finding and using ready–made assets


Use a range of secondary sources, such as image galleries, websites, magazines and video recordings, to find ready–made assets.


You will probably need to edit some of these assets. Whatever you do, you should make sure that they are suitable for your products.handy hint


Make sure you get permission to use assets that are not copyright–free.


you need to save this for your eportfolioCreate a table listing each asset showing:

Here is an example of an assets table to start you off.handy hint


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